Meet Our 2023 INDIAN CHALLENGER Grand Prize Winner!
UPDATE: 7/10/2023
ORGINAL STORY - (May 16, 2023)
It’s a Classic Rock...Classic Challenger Sweepstakes!
B1027 and Vern Eide Motoplex are giving you a chance to win the ALL NEW 2023 Indian Challenger from Indian Motorcycle Sioux Falls!
Three ways to qualify to win the ALL NEW $25,000 Indian Challenger Motorcycle:
1. Listen to B102.7 weekdays at 8:50 AM hour during the Bob and Tom Show. We'll let you know what the Classic Challenger Song of the Day will be. Then listen for it between 10 am and 5 pm with Jeff Harkness and Danny V and be the 10th caller and you’re qualified to win the ALL NEW $25,000 Indian Challenger Motorcycle! So easy!
2. Register at Vern Eide Motoplex in Sioux Falls.
3. Fill out the fields below to qualify to win the ALL NEW $25,000 Indian Challenger Motorcycle.
On July 8th during Vern Eide Indian Motorcycle Demo Days someone will win the ALL NEW $25,000 Indian Challenger Motorcycle OR a Broil King Pellet Grill from BBQ Heaven at Fireplace Pros OR a Weekend Getaway for 4 to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre with hotel!
So yeah...listening to classic rock at work AND a chance at a new 2023 Indian Challenger motorcycle? Score. Win. *mic drop*
The Classic Challenger Sweepstakes! From Indian Motorcycle Sioux Falls at Vern Eide Motoplex and YOUR FRIENDS at B-102-7...Your Home for Classic Rock!
Flashback: Pics From Sturgis Rally 2003
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