Flying With Nothing But a Tiny Backpack
This weekend I'm flying to Denver to see my buddy throw out the first pitch at a Colorado Rockies game. Plus I haven't been out there to see him in four years.
I booked my flight a couple of months ago and learned that carry-on bags are not free. In fact they cost more than the first checked bag. The carry-on would be $35 and a checked bag would be $30. I can't remember if I knew all of that or not, I don't fly very often. But I'm only going to be gone for less than 48 hours so I wasn't going to pay $30 or $35.
The only cargo I can bring that is free, aside from myself, is a personal item. That personal item is defined as a bag of a size less than 18" x 8" x 14" in size. My laptop backpack doesn't qualify. It's barely too big.
Two years ago I learned that I was carrying too much crap in too big of a pack while deer hunting in Sully County. I didn't need so much crap so I found this little Red Rock Outdoor Gear Rover pack. It's my favorite. I use it hunting, while riding my bike (ding ding), and I use it any time I need to haul a small amount of stuff for myself or my kids. It's loaded with pockets and a surprisingly large main compartment.
As you can see in the photo, it's about as long as my shoe so it's pretty small. I'm going to pack everything I need into this little bag or I'm going to wear it on me. I'll probably wear the same pair of shorts for the entire 2 days. I'll pack two t-shirt, two pairs of tightly rolled up underwear, two pairs of tightly balled up socks, a toothbrush, my contact solution and case, travel size toothpaste, shampoo and body wash, and my phone charger. If I still have room I'll throw another a book in to entertain me on the flight andy maybe a pair of light gym shorts.
I'm confident I can pull this off, but if I can't I'll just wear another shirt under the shirt I wear on the plane. I didn't see any rules about the number of shirts I can wear.
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