Finally! General Mills to Give Away Marshmallow-Only Lucky Charms
What is the best part of eating Lucky Charms?
You know it's the marshmallows!
I mean, Lucky Charms without the marshmallows is just Cheerios, right?
That's actually true. Lucky Charms was introduced in 1963 after a General Mills product developer combined diced Cheerios with cut-up circus peanuts.
Well now, marshmallow lovers - you're dreams have come true!
General Mills is giving away 10,000 boxes of Lucky Charms Marshmallow, but there's a catch.
In order to win, you need to buy a box of regular Lucky Charms in a specially-marked box first, then find the 14-digit code on the inside back panel, and enter that code at MarshmallowOnly.com to see if you marshmallow dreams have come true!
You may remember a social media promotion to this two years ago. But back then, General Mills was only giving out ten boxes, not 10,000.
Good luck!
If you don't win, you can always try this instead: