Downtown Sioux Falls Trick-or-Treat - Sunday, October 30

It's become one of those fall traditions in Sioux Falls that people really look forward to. Sure, Downtown Sioux Falls Trick or Treat means wearing costumes and traditional Halloween goodies will be handed out.

But it also means loads of shopping bargains for you, and music, and photo ops - so you can share those great costumes on your kids, with family and friends, plus other fun activities.

MORE: Sioux Falls Jaycees’ Halloween Tradition Heads Into the ‘Backwoods’

Downtown Sioux Falls Trick-or-Treat is Sunday, October 30, from 1 to 3, all activities are free, and no pre-registration is required.

Right now there are over 30 downtown businesses involved in making this year's event truly wonderful. Whether it's a special on something tasty, something useful, or something pretty for you or your home - -you're likely to find it, and, at a good price!

Plus, your kids will get loaded down with candy!

Here are the businesses participating:

One of the best things about this event is you never know who you'll see in a really fun costume or what kind of music, food, beverages, and activities will make the day for you.

For more information see Downtown Sioux Falls, Inc.

Haunted Locations and Scary Legends Around Sioux Falls

Halloween is steeped in scary traditions. Trick-or-Treating, frightening costumes, local actors in "haunted" houses, and the pitch-black darkness of area corn mazes.

However, if we set out to find the real haunted areas what would we find? Over the last 30 years that I have lived in Sioux Falls, a few locations still gain attention as being haunted.

And yes, a handful of thrill-seeking people will show up on our favorite eerie night for what could be a viral video moment or experience a misty phantom first-hand.
Let's take a little tour of the more famous hauntings around Sioux Falls. Turn on the lights and cue the Cowardly Lion: "I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks..."


Totally True Ghost Stories Told By the People of Sioux Falls

I'm not sure I totally believe in ghosts or the paranormal, but I do enjoy a good ghost story, and the people of Sioux Falls had some great ones!

We asked our listeners to tell us their scary stories Maybe it was a ghost, maybe you thought someone was in the house, maybe you heard weird noises, maybe stuff moved without anybody touching it! We wanted to hear it all!

Some of these are so creepy! Continue reading....if you dare!


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