It's November in a presidential election year. This year's election has polarized much of America. I get it. It's an important election.

Is anyone else getting a little bit tired of those snarky political posts on Facebook telling you if your candidate is elected the everyone's cable TV will be confiscated, your house will develop black mold, and Terry Bradshaw will give you Shingles?

This is not why the divine Mark Zuckerberg gave us the Facebook.  We were blessed with Facebook for 3 reasons:

  1. So Grandma would have a reason to learn how to use the internet.
  2. To make the 'Duck Face' a thing.  And...
  3. There would be a place to post cute kitty videos (and other cute animals too)!

So, let's get back to the basics. Leave the sharing of your enlightened political observations to bars and the Home Depot where they belong.  And lets get back to filling Facebook with those great videos of kitties, puppies, and baby jumping goats.

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