Colton Farmer Busy Teaching Kids Where Their Food Comes From
The fourth graders at Rosa Parks Elementary in Sioux Falls get to meet their "adopted farmer" later this week - Heidi Zwinger of Colton.
Zwinger, along with the help of Ag United of South Dakota, has been sharing video messages with the kids every month.
In addition to Rosa Parks Elementary, Zwinger has also been sharing information with the fourth graders at Sonia Sotomayor Spanish Immersion School.
She paid those kids a visit this past Friday (2/2) and will be at Rosa Parks Elementary this Thursday (2/8) from 10:00 AM until 11:30 AM.
In her monthly videos, Zwinger has shown the kids how cows are milked, how baby calves are cared for and how the farm works to make a profit.
During her visit to the schools, she also shows students samples of feed that the cows eat and various pictures of her farm.
To learn more about Ag United of South Dakota, and how you could possibly get them to work with your school, go to the Ag United website.
Ag United has been coordinating the Adopt-A-Farmer program for the past six years, resulting in more than 6-thousand fourth graders learning where their food comes from.
Source: Ag United of South Dakota
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