Bishop Dudley Hospitality House Needs Your Help
Chad Campbell of the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House in Sioux Falls says January was a busy month for the facility.
“So far we averaged nightly in January 78 men and 17 women. We are very much near capacity most of the nights. One of our biggest nights we had 85 men and 20 women that we served. During this time of year the need is very great. We are very grateful there is a place where these individuals can go.”
Campbell says volunteers are needed right now for the house.
“People are coming off the holidays and getting back into the swing of things like work. We just want to remind everyone that the Bishop Dudley House is still at 101 North Indiana Avenue. We still have those needs that were present during the holidays. There is a great opportunity for individuals to help out. There are a lot of great opportunities. Give us a call at 809-8424. You will get connected with our volunteer coordinator and get you all set up.”
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