Repair Affair Day Applications Being Accepted
There's a good chance if you see a ramp leading up to a residence in Sioux Falls it was completed in one day by a group of volunteers on Repair Affair Day. That day is approaching once again on Tuesday, June 4. Yes, it's later this summer but applications are now being accepted.
The Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation is once again out to help the local community through the annual program called Repair Affair. The goal of the Repair Affair program is to update an applicant's home by making it more accessible. Some projects could include a wheelchair ramp or grab bars.
These projects are for the low income and elderly or permanently disabled all for no cost to the homeowner.
Labor will be donated by volunteers and materials purchased through a grant received by the Housing Division of the City of Sioux Falls and the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation.
If you or someone you know is in need of accessibility-related projects to be completed in their home, please contact the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation at (605) 361-8322.
Source: Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire
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