I can honestly say, I don't know anyone who doesn't swear. Maybe that says something about the company I keep, or maybe that's just saying something about the state of society in the year 2022.

It has been my experience in my 40+ years of doing radio, that some of the most foul-mouthed people I have ever met in my entire life work in the radio industry.

Back in the late 70s, I worked with a woman at a radio station that had a mouth on her that would make Samuel L. Jackson blush. I think this woman even helped invent a few pieces of modern-day profanity.

There's no denying that the world is filled with potty-mouthed people.

A company called Word Tips recently conducted a study that reaffirmed just that, as they attempted to identify each state's favorite swear word. To help determine each state's go-to piece of profanity, Word Tips examined tweets from every state and the top 320 most populated cities in America. Then they filtered the tweets to help collect data on a selection of swear words and variations of swear words.

What they found out is that Americans like to use the F-Bomb a lot!

The word F%#! is the most used swear word found in tweets across the country. There were 11.62 uses of the F-word in every 1000 tweets that Word Tips examined.

The country's second favorite piece of profanity is the word "$#!@." According to the folks at Word Tips, that word got mentioned 10 times in every 1000 tweets that were looked at.

So which state has the most vulgar vocabulary?

That title proudly belongs to the great state of Georgia. 48 curse words were used for every 1000 tweets examined. The Peach State is full of S#!@, or at least people who enjoy using the word.

America's least profane state is....???

Minnesota. According to the gang at Word Tips, our friends over to the east only used 15 pieces of profanity in every 1000 tweets examined. It's gotta be that Minnesota nice thing at work again, there's just no other explanation.

So, what about South Dakota?

Well, we swear, but not all that much according to Word Tips standards. South Dakotans managed to reel off 24 curse words in every 1000 tweets examined.

Those numbers would be radically different had they examined some data of me watching a Miami Dolphins football game. Trust me, I would have upped our state's average. On most Sunday's the noise coming from my house sounds like Happy Gilmore trying to play golf.

I have to admit I was somewhat surprised by South Dakota's favorite swear word. We appear to have a fondness for "Hell", the word, not the place. By today's standards, the word Hell is pretty tame, so we should take a degree of comfort in that.

It must be all that Minnesota nice stuff rubbing off on us again I guess.

Source: Word Tips 

Ten Commandments of Sioux Falls

People Say They Hate These 7 Things About Sioux Falls the Most

In the last few years, I've had the opportunity to live in another state after living in Sioux Falls for a decade. Then late last year I moved back to the SooFoo, and I am super happy to have returned.

Sioux Falls has just about everything I like. It's big enough to have lots of opportunities for work and recreation.

Being on the western edge of the 'Midwest' and the eastern edge of the 'Western Frontier' we've got a nice balance of the individualistic pioneer spirit and a strong urban 'We're in this together' attitude.

But, of course, not everything is perfect. People have complaints. On the social-network Reddit, people have even listed their complaints about Sioux Falls. Specifically, the things that hate about living here.





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