If it's time to take your driver's license test again in Iowa you better study. Of the 35 questions, you must get 28 correct to pass the test.

If you don't pass, no worries, you can take it again the next day if you want.

There is a practice test available online.

Try not to get too worked up about it. Just use your common sense.

The driving part of the exam has tripped-up many people who then fail the test for a variety of reasons. Speed, steering control, and the improper use of mirrors are most common.

Before you head out on vacation this summer you may want to check the expiration date on your driver's license. In Iowa, you have a 60-day grace period. Or, 30 days before your birthday.

Best to check now. Because if you are stopped with an expired Iowa driver's license it could cost you $625.

In South Dakota, you can retake the tests up to three combined times. And, yes you still have to pay a fee each time.

For those wanting to obtain a Minnesota driver's license, it can be a bit more concerning. If you fail the test four times you are tagged with completing six hours of driver's training. But you still need to take the test again.


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