Let me start by saying that if I am at an event at the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center it'll almost surely be related to my work in someway. I'm not a concert guy or a live sporting event guy; I'm not really even a big crowd guy.

But, my undiagnosed Agoraphobia, anything that is good for Sioux Falls is a net positive all around. Sioux Falls is a city and we need to act like it, the days of pretending that SF is, was or has ever been a small town are gone. These are the things cities need to survive. It must continue to diversify its economy so we can stave off Rust Belt like issues. I'm not a big fan of blind hometown pride for the sake of hometown pride, but to continue our high quality of life things like the PREMIER Center will be part of it.

I was spurred to write this after seeing two things today. First, this from my colleague Jeff Thurne of ESPN 99.1.

Yes, this city is full of whiners. Maybe it's a small, loudmouthed fraction of the population, but they could ruin it for everybody. Mainly by focusing their disappointment and anger at the wrong places. The second thing I saw today helped put this into focus. It was a Facebook post from 'Weird Al.' Tuesday he announced the dates for his 2015 tour and had to take to the internet to calm some loudmouths.

Al said, " I don’t decide what city I play, or what venue I play, or what day I play. The way it works is, I tell my booking agency how long I’d like to tour, and then they put a tour together based on whatever offers come in from concert promoters. So if you want to twist somebody’s arm, maybe try your local concert promoter..."

Getting mad at a building because Beyonce or Garth or Metallica haven't stopped by our little slice of heaven is pointless. Concert promoters bring in the shows and they have to prove to booking agencies that there is an audience that will spend money and go to the show. Sioux Falls is a new-ish market. Bookers know that they can make X amount of profit in Fargo or Sioux City, they have track records. Maybe after this year Sioux Falls will too.

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<div data-href="https://www.facebook.com/weirdal/posts/10152919988466005" data-width="466"><div><a href="https://www.facebook.com/weirdal/posts/10152919988466005">Post</a> by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/weirdal">&quot;Weird Al&quot; Yankovic</a>.</div></div>

But, what do I know. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go hide in my house and connect to the world Sandra Bullock in The Net style.

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