Where In Sioux Falls Will You Find This? Pt.4
If you are familiar with a particular inner-city lake then you may have discovered a new addition to the landscape on your walk.
Several times a week while on our walk, my wife and I will take a different route. But nearby is a comfortable scenic walk that has wildlife, new construction, and once in a while out of the blue something new lands in our sights.

Like in the picture above. Just where in Sioux Falls is this thing? What is it? And why does it have a built-in-bench seat?
Here are some clues:
- It sits on the shoreline of a lake within the city of Sioux Falls
- Its name is Squeak and it was actually used to dig the lake
- There is a new dental office being constructed right behind
- A corporate headquarters is across the pond, plus a grand retirement home
- A brand new hotel is just a few steps away
Yes, it's on Lake Lorraine. A beautiful spring-fed lake that has been developed by the Van Buskirk and Friessen families.
The picture is a dragline bucket that was used to dig the lake. What's the history behind this behemoth bucket? As the story goes on the Lake Lorraine website, it all started with a guy named Duane “Squeek” Fanebust who 'welded' his name on it. Now, the actual bucket is on display along the south shoreline.
After a conversation with Amy Smolik of LakeLorrainSiouxFalls.com, I learned Squeek has a twin that may also be part of the landscape.
The new construction behind the bucket will be Pillar Dental office next to Hyatt Place. CarsForSale.Com has its corporate headquarters lakeside and Grand Living Retirement is on the far south side of the lake.
Smolik also said the development plans include a restaurant to complement the hotel and to finish the pavement of the shoreline walking trail.
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