What’s the Best Square on a Super Bowl Betting Board?
Undoubtedly you've run across a Super Bowl betting board in your favorite bar or at the workplace. It's fun and anyone can win so the odds are pretty much evened out. Or are they?
If you have a choice in the numbers you want some numbers crunchers at the Washington Post did the math for us. Analyzing the score at every quarter at every NFL game since 2015 they have determined that the best square to have is 0-0. In other words, more scores have ended with zeros than any other number. Okay, good to know.
The next best square to have is 7-0, followed by 3-0, 4-0, and 0-3.
The worst squares to have were 9, 8, or 5. Anytime you need a safety or 6 field goals, you know you're gonna be in trouble. Hey, I'd rather be lucky than good.
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