Watch Red Beard Movie Review: Baby Driver. Will There Be Part 2?
Amazing car chase action, wild cast, and great music make Baby Diver worth seeing, but not great enough to make me want to see it more than once.
The most accurate description I've seen of this movie came from a friends Facebook page: "Its Snatch meets La La Land" - Meg
This is an out of the box action movie, and the style risks they took were well worth it. Casting was outstanding, car chases may have been the best of all time, and music was spot on.
The characters inconsistency was the only part of the movie I would say was a dislike. At times the characters' personalities switching so drastically made the movie feel messy, and had me waiting for an ending the last twenty minutes of the movie.
When we left the theater my daughter asked me the same question she always asks after every movie: "Do you think they will make a part 2"?
I said "Nah".
Then I read recently an interview with Baby Driver director Edgar Wright hinting at the possibilities of Baby getting behind the wheel in the future:
“The studio have asked me to think about writing a sequel,” said Wright of Sony Pictures’ request. “I might do a sequel to it because I think there’s somewhere more to go with it in terms of the characters. Baby Driver — I think there’s more that you can do in that realm.”
For the entire article click here.
I liked the first movie one, and would recommend seeing it. I didn't like it enough to see Baby Driver for a second time, but I'm in for sure on watching a Baby Driver Part 2.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
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