These Are The 10 Lowest Paying Jobs in Minnesota
This is a good time for anyone looking to make a career change because every company in Minnesota seems to be hiring. Including us! We recently celebrated the retirements of a few amazing coworkers so now we’re looking for content creators, account executives, and an office manager. Learn more about the open positions with Townsquare Media.
There are a few reasons why people consider changing jobs but one of the biggest factors is how much the person is being paid. If you have one of the lowest-paying jobs in Minnesota, see the list below, this might be a good time to update your resume.
Stacker compiled a list of the lowest-paying jobs in Minnesota based on information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Bartenders, Dishwashers, Taxi Drivers, Fast Food Employees, and Lifeguards were all listed in the top ten with each reporting an annual income right around $28,000. You can see the lowest and highest-paying jobs in Minnesota below.
I wonder if tips were included in the salary report? Dealing with drunk idiots can’t be fun, especially when you’re not making much money, so leave a tip.
The 5 Lowest Paying Jobs in Minnesota
#5 Door-to-Door Sales
I try to be polite when these people visit my house because I know they’re just doing their job. I’ll always listen to their pitch, but I can’t recall a time that I ever bought something from a door-to-door salesperson.
It’s a tough job and it doesn’t pay very well. The national average salary for this position is close to $35,000, but the average pay here in Minnesota is much lower.
Door-to-door salespeople in Minnesota make around $27,690.
#4 Restaurant Hosts and Hostesses
Juggling reservations, dealing with upset customers that have to wait for a table, and listening to unruly kids in the waiting area…. No, thank you.
Hosts and Hostesses play an important role in the restaurant industry, but they don’t make much.
The average host and hostess in Minnesota makes around $27,680
#3 Ushers and ticket takers
Ushers and ticket takers in Minnesota make more than those in other states. The national average salary is $26,390 – Here in Minnesota, Ushers and Ticket Takers make about $500 more than that each year.
#2 Amusement Park Employees
I’d never guess this was a high-paying job, but with how much it costs to go to an amusement park you’d think the pay would be a little better.
Amusement Park employees in Minnesota make $26,660.
#1 Passenger Attendants
It seems like there have been more flights canceled and more reports of lost baggage than ever before recently. Passenger attendants are responsible for putting out those fires and calming travelers down. That’s a nightmare job and it’s the lowest-paying one in the state. Passenger attendants make $25,700 here in Minnesota.