Transformers are all the rage. The 'Transformers' movies make billions of dollars. The toys are everywhere. But we had transformers, too, back in the day.
Hasbro executives threatened announced today that new entries in the Transformers franchise would be coming in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Part of a planned twelve-film franchise, these three films will expand the pre-existing cinematic universe of the shape-shifting robot toys while simultaneously redefining how big of a number twelve feels like...
We currently live in a world where society has stopped blinking incredulously at the mere idea of major film franchises based on the dumb toys you used to play with back in the ‘80s. So, it’s not too surprising that Hasbro is apparently examining the possibility of a big screen ‘GoBots’ revival.
You'll be hard-pressed to find many people who actually liked 'Transformers: Age of Extinction.' But unlike the previous three movies in this franchise, the box office actually reflected that. With the film currently struggling to hit $250 million at the domestic box office (despite doing great numbers overseas), it isn't that surprising that director Michael Bay is jumping ship on 'Transformers 5'.
'Transformers 4' is purportedly a soft reboot of the franchise, setting up an entirely new set of adventures and carrying on with a mostly new human cast. However, director Michael Bay is still at the helm, so it's no surprise it still, for better or worse, feels like the same thing. You already know if that delights or horrifies you, and the latest TV spots aren't going to change your mind.
Decepticons, beware! Optimus and his Autobot warriors are back, newly rebooted and with some heavy artillery they know how to wield -- and should come in handy against those Dinobots. The latest batch of 'Transformers 4' pics get up close with these sort-of familiar faces (as we just said, they got a rebooted design) and tease some serious action to come, as well as an "all is lost moment.&qu
'Transformers 4' has newly designed autobots, a whole new human cast and some pretty badass-looking dinobots, but according to director Michael Bay, all of that is just the tip of the iceberg. Ahead of the June 27 premiere, Bay revealed that 'Transformers 5' and 'Transformers 6' aren't as far off as we think, as 'Age of Extinction' will kickstart an all-new trilogy. Plus, the man with a penchant f
'Transformers 4' has been filming for a few months now, but other than the occasional set photo or video of something blowing up, things have been pretty quiet. Little questions like "What's the movie even about?" continue to go unanswered. And to be perfectly honest, those questions will continue to go unanswered for the time being ... but at least we now know that the film will somehow
'Transformers 4' has been busy filming in Detroit, setting up car chases, explosions and the like. Aside from the numerous photos of the newly designed autobots and decepticons -- the various leaked set videos -- director Michael Bay and team Paramount have yet to reveal any official looks at the new cast ... until now!