Sioux Falls Bike Trail

Sioux Falls Mayor Is Challenging You To A 100 Mile Race
Mayor Paul TenHaken is challenging you to get fit this summer. Let's get active together, Sioux Falls! #100Miles100DaysSF

What Are These 'Seeds' In Sioux Falls? Any Answers Are Great
What the heck are these things? Google thinks that this is some sort of chocolate, HA!

Sioux Falls Mayor Bringing Back City Fitness Challenge This Month
Join the #100Miles100DaysSF challenge! You can run, walk, bike, rollerblade, or walk on your hands...haha kidding!

Have You Seen This Sign in Sioux Falls? What Does It Mean?
There are similar signs all around the city of Sioux Falls. They are green and white with a bike icon and a number.

Hey Sioux Falls, Let’s Bike To Work This Week
Bicyclists have the same rights to the road as motor vehicles do.

What Are You Waiting For? Reserve A Sioux Falls Picnic Shelter Now
There are over 80 City-owned parks in Sioux Falls and most have picnic shelters to enjoy family gatherings or special events