Lake Lorraine to Host Job Fair Tuesday, September 11thThe businesses at Lake Lorraine in Sioux Falls are hosting their first ever job fair on Tuesday. Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
The One Thing to Always Say at a Job InterviewThe One Thing to Always Say at a Job InterviewThe one thing you should always do at a job interview comes right before you head out the door. And this could be the determining factor for getting the job.Mark TasslerMark Tassler
Kirkland’s to Join Lake Lorraine Complex Starting Next WeekKirkland’s to Join Lake Lorraine Complex Starting Next WeekA store known for fine home decor is about to open its doors here in Sioux Falls. Marc ElliottMarc Elliott
Job Application No-NoJob Application No-NoThere is one question on a job application, that when answered puts you at a huge disadvantage.Danny VDanny V
Seasonal Help Needed at the U.S. Postal Service in South DakotaSeasonal Help Needed at the U.S. Postal Service in South DakotaLooking for an extra job around the holidays to help pay some bills? The U.S. Postal Service in South Dakota is looking to talk to you.Marc ElliottMarc Elliott