Strange Christmas Gifts for That Hard to Shop for Individual
By the time you come to the last full week before Christmas, you pretty much have things narrowed down. Or at least you hope to be near ready.
Perhaps the only thing left on your Christmas gift list is a present for that hard to shop for individual. Come on, everybody has someone like that to deal with each year.
Maybe they are fussy when it comes to getting them what they want. Or worse yet, the hardest of all people to buy for, the individual that has everything.
When you have to try and figure out what to buy for that impossible character, there's only one thing you can do. You go to a strange gift idea.
I did some searching and found 42 Weird Christmas Gifts Perfect For Every Type Of Nutball. In the list, here's a few that caught my eye:
- Carving knife that looks like a chainsaw
- Popeye's Spicy Chicken Sandwich Christmas Sweater
- Matching Nutcracker Undies
- Walking Dead Whiskey
- Paper Airplane Wallhangers
Source: Huffpost.com