Special Olympics Vinyl Taco ‘Spinning for Local Artists’ Fundraiser
Special Olympics South Dakota (SOSD) not only supports children and adults with intellectual disabilities compete in twelve Olympic-type sports, (at no cost) but they also help these same athletes build lifelong friendships. SOSD encourages athletes to display courage and kindness in their sport, and in life.
There is a unique new fundraiser going on at Vinyl Taco (3609 S. Western Avenue) here in Sioux Falls which gives you the opportunity to bid on some one-of-a-kind artwork that would look great in your office or at home!
Local artists have created distinctive art pieces out of vinyl records which are on display at Vinyl Taco. All Vinyl Taco's "Top 40" of these amazing artworks can be purchased via silent auction, just chat with an employee about it. 50% of the money raised goes to Special Olympics and 50% goes to the artist.
There will be a bid-closing party on Tuesday, August 27th and you're invited. And even if you don't find an artwork that you just have to have, you can donate $20 (all proceeds from tumbler sales go to SOSD) and get a cool 20-ounce insulated tumbler filled with the beverage of your choice.
So swing by Vinyl Taco and check out the amazing vinyl record art and give generously to Special Olympics South Dakota!
For more information see SOSD or call 605-331-4117.