Song Posters for Hand Washing
You know the hand-washing rule. Generous amount of soap, lathering up with warm to hot water, getting under the nails, for at least 20 seconds. And if you have trouble timing out 20 seconds, sing the 'Happy Birthday' song. In my experience, people tend to look at you funny in a public restroom with this tactic. Of course, you could sing under your breath, but does it have to be 'Happy Birthday?'
Thanks to washyourlyrics.com you can now insert your favorite song and wash those germs away. Here's a sample of what you could print and post in your work washrooms or your kids' bathroom.
The Eagles 'Hotel California', Katy Perry's 'Firework', Johnny Cash 'Ring of Fire', and 'Cold As Ice' by Foreigner to get you started.
Check out the link to create your own poster to enforce the importance of good hygiene.

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