Sioux Falls to Close out 2020 under Budget for Street Operations
Thanks to Mother Nature, the city of Sioux Falls is setting on a little extra money allocated for its 2020 winter snow removal budget for streets and highways.
According to Dakota News Now, one of the biggest portions of the city budget is always set aside for snow removal. Due to the lack of significant snowfall so far this year, the city is currently under budget to the tune of about 2.3 million dollars.
Shawn Pritchett, Director of Finance for the City of Sioux Falls told Dakota News Now, “It’s one of the most variable portions of our budget, we can swing millions of dollars in any given year, depending on what the weather does for us. It changes from year to year and we just never quite know. "
In addition to snow removal, money from the budget is also allocated for street maintenance, paying staff, and, if necessary, paying contractors.
Whenever we have a mild fall and winter weather season like the one we are currently experiencing, the city's salt domes are full, says Sioux Falls Streets Operation Manager, Dustin Hansen.
Hansen told Dakota News Now, the city's snow removal vehicles are ready to roll when Old Man Winter finally decides to show up. But, right now, they're keeping busy on other street and city related tasks like fixing potholes, doing street sweepings, hauling materials and cleaning out the river.
The winter budget for the city of Sioux Falls is 8.6 million dollars. Dakota News Now reports 6.3 million dollars of that budget has been spent so far up to this point.
Source: Dakota News Now

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