Sioux Falls Outdoor Swimming Pools to Open
All Sioux Falls outdoor family aquatic centers and pools are scheduled to open for the season on Friday, June 1, 2018, weather permitting.
Open Swim will be daily from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. For Open Swim, children 6 years and younger must be supervised by someone at least 16 years old. The ratio of children 6 years and younger may not exceed five children per adult. Family Swim will be daily from 5:00 to 6:30 PM and requires that youth under the age of 18 be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.
The locations of the public family aquatic centers, pools, and spray park are:
• Drake Springs Family Aquatic Center—301 South Fairfax Avenue
• Frank Olson Pool—4101 East 16th Street
• Kuehn Pool—2309 Kuehn Park Road
• Laurel Oak Family Aquatic Center—3401 East 49th Street
• McKennan Wading Pool—1500 South Third Avenue
• Pioneer Spray Park—1800 East Walnut Street
• Terrace Park Family Aquatic Center—1001 West Madison Street
See online for information on outdoor lap swimming and water walking for teens and adults that will be held on weekdays. These programs will begin Monday, June 4. And also for more details on all other pool-related activities.
See Also: