Should We Stop Shaking Hands…For Good?
It may be the time to permanently switch to the fist-bump or the ever awkward elbow tap instead of the traditional handshake. One of the familiar faces of the pandemic information superhighway is the trusted Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He's a key member of the White House staff and can often be seen standing along with President Trump when giving America crucial updates on COVID-19.
On Wednesday Dr. Fauci suggested that we never shake hands again. Even when this pandemic blows over? Yes.
"I don't think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you. Not only would it be good to prevent coronavirus disease, it would decrease the instances of influenza dramatically in this country."
The doctor added that 2 habits would make good sense going forward: compulsive hand-washing and don't ever shake anybody's hand.
Personally, I don't think it's a bad idea at all. We can still greet the worshiper next to us in church with a "good morning" and we can seal a business deal with a fist bump.
It will take a little getting used to but we'll be better off and healthier in the long run. Sometimes, a nod and a smile will go a long way.

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