Oh Great, Now There’s a Liquor Shortage in Sioux Falls
For the love of God, what's next?
We've suffered through things like a toilet paper shortage, an ammunition shortage, an aluminum can shortage, a hospital bed shortage, a computer chip shortage, food supply shortages, we continue to suffer through a new car shortage, and lord knows there's a worker shortage. Have you been inside a store or restaurant lately? Need I say more.
It seems like the only thing there's no shortage of these days is shortages!

Better brace yourself, now they say we need to get ready for an alcohol shortage. Oh, the humanity!
During the COVID craze over the past year and a half, people stocked up on booze like it was going out of style. If you remember, back in 2020 when the government was shutting down businesses left and right, liquor stores were deemed essential and remained open. Consequently, all that booze drinking and buying here in South Dakota and throughout the country is starting to catch up with us right now. Liquor supply chains are drying up faster than hooch during the prohibition period of the 1920s.
I'm not much of a drinker any longer, but I was having lunch at a restaurant with a bar the other day, and couldn't help but notice the bar didn't appear to have a great deal of variety in terms of booze choices. If it were still 1987, I would be terrified right now after seeing that.
Currently, there are dozens of states around the country experiencing liquor shortages. And as luck would have it, South Dakota and in particular the city of Sioux Falls is one of them.
According to an article published in Forbes, Sioux Falls is currently undergoing a liquor shortage at this time.
What's the cause?
The current labor shortage across the country is partially to blame for the problem. The lack of truck drivers, dock workers, warehouse employees, and higher fuel prices are all factoring into the equation. That coupled with the current shortage of glass bottles and aluminum cans is playing a large role in liquor shortages right now in cities like Sioux Falls, Winooski, Vermont, and Durham, North Carolina.
I hate to be the bearer of even more bad news, but you know what shortages mean? Yep, higher prices! The whole supply and demand thing means you'll be paying even more for your favorite libations soon.
Boy! 2021 is turning out to be as popular as the year 2020, isn't it? I can't wait for 2022!
While there is no definite timeline as to when things will return to normal in regards to the whole liquor shortage, it sounds like it might be somewhat short-lived. Forbes quoted representatives from state liquor boards as saying that most brands are expected to return to shelves shortly, in most cases.
Until then, can I get you an ice-cold PBR or Rainier, if we can find one that is?
Source: Forbes
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