National Park Service Issues Funny Reminder about Wildlife Safety
Has it really been almost two years since this shocking scene unfolded at Custer State Park in South Dakota's Black Hills?
Luckily neither the nitwit tourist nor the bison was seriously hurt in this August 2020 incident, although the pants were definitely a goner.
But now with a major influx of summer visitors expected after COVID-19 put a damper on tourism in the hills last year, the National Park Service is reminding everyone about a different kind of 'social distancing' - staying a safe distance away from wildlife.

This is the NPS' message to the more than four million followers they have on Instagram:
It’s getting to be that season again…
National parks offer a unique experience for watching wildlife. But with that privilege comes great responsibility. Visitors are responsible for their own safety and for the safety of the animals, too. Simply put, leave animals alone—no touching, no feeding, no harassing. Just remember to keep your distance, and enjoy your experience watching wildlife.
This message is not for those followers who know what’s up and would never dream of getting too close to wildlife on purpose. Thanks for leading by example! Think of this as a message to share with others you know heading out to a park. “Vacation brain” sometimes takes over, and people may let their guard down, or get taken in by bear’s ears and other cuddly thoughts, only to have a less than pleasant experience in nature. It happens. Every year.
It's a bit sad that reminders like this need to be issued, but if it saves another moron from becoming an overnight video sensation then I guess it's worth it.
Be careful out there...
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