Minnesota’s Weirdest Law is Over 50 Years Old
Sometimes you come across a law that sounds so bizarre you wonder why it was enacted in the first place. That's certainly the case with one law, in particular, that was passed in 1971.
Not only does Minnesota have an abundance of lakes, but they also have an abundance of pigs. Just make sure not to do this one thing with any swine if you're in the state's borders because it's definitely illegal.
What's Minnesota's Weirdest Law?
It's a very specific ordinance that bans the greasing or oiling of pigs and other animals for contests. Yep, you read that right. Take a look at what the exact law states:
No person shall operate, run or participate in a contest, game, or other like activity, in which a pig, greased, oiled or otherwise, is released and wherein the object is the capture of the pig, or in which a chicken or turkey is released or thrown into the air and wherein the object is the capture of the chicken or turkey. Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor.
-Minnesota Office of the Revisor Statutes
So, there you have it. Apparently, there were too many issues with pigs, turkeys, and other animals being greased up and chased around in contests back in the day. So much so, that they had to pass a law banning such activities.
Story Source: Far and Wide
Story Souce: Minnesota Office of the Revisor Statutes