Meet Harper – Cure Kids Cancer Radiothon Sioux Falls
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Cure Kids Cancer Radiothon and Townsquare Media Sioux Falls
On April 22, 2021, Harper was diagnosed with kidney cancer. She went through
chemotherapy, radiation, and a surgery to remove an ovary in hopes of protecting
future fertility should she want to be a mom.
After 6 months of treatment, Harper rang the bell - she was in remission and could start
going back to doing the things all 7 year old girls love to do.
Three months later, Harper went in for her routine scans to make sure her body was still
cancer free. Unfortunately, this scan showed the opposite. Harper's cancer had returned,
this time in spots on her lungs.
Harper is now undergoing a more intense chemotherapy regimen and has already done
radiation since her relapse. This time, her chemotherapy treatments wipe her body of so
much that even the normal bacteria in her mouth can put her in the hospital for several
days. While it's tough, Harper and her family know that she's strong and will beat cancer
once and for all!
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