Watch Megadeth Eject Security Mid-Song: ‘What a Bunch of P—–s’
Megadeth's famously cantankerous leader Dave Mustaine has never been one to suffer fools. That includes brutish security guards, several of whom Mustaine ejected from the band's show in Bloomington, Illinois, Wednesday night.
The action occurred during the band's penultimate song, "Symphony of Destruction." Mustaine stopped the song when he spotted a commotion near the front of the stage, and he demanded that four security guards be removed from the venue before continuing the set.
You can watch the scuffle, and Mustaine's subsequent tongue-lashing, below.
What Did Dave Mustaine Say to Security?
Mustaine halted "Symphony of Destruction" and scolded the security guards when he noticed the disturbance. "Hey, hey! Stop, stop, stop! Dudes, don’t be fuckin' hitting people!" he said. "That's totally uncool. Hey! Fuckin' stop hitting that guy!"
The bandleader then walked around the stage and addressed several security guards off-mic before returning to his perch.
"I'm not gonna play anymore until those guys are escorted out of the building, so just hang on a second," he continued. "That was so fuckin' unnecessary. That was so fuckin' unnecessary, you guys. You're supposed to make … What's on the back of your shirt? 'Safety'? It should say 'No Fuckin' Safety' because you guys are punks, and you shouldn't have fuckin' hit that guy."
READ MORE: Dave Mustaine After Metallica: 40 Moments for 40 Years
Mustaine, unsurprisingly, wasn't finished. "Four of you on one guy, what a bunch of pussies," he seethed. "Your mom would be so fuckin' embarrassed by you. Get 'em out of here, or I'm leaving. Get 'em out of here. I don't wanna fuckin' hear that they're in the back. I want them out of here."
The audience cheered (and one member shouted, "Fuck Safety!") as Mustaine talked to a cop side-stage. He returned to his microphone a couple of minutes later and quipped, "These motherfuckers wrecked my song. You ever have dreams at night where you're beating people up or you're, like, running or flying? I'm gonna be dreaming I'm beating those guys up tonight. I wanna thank the police force for taking care of those security punks. … Don't take it out on the guys that weren't like that, but those four guys over there were fuckin' punks. Four on one? Sorry, that stuff just makes me so mad. I hate bullies. Fuckin' hate bullies."
After lamenting that "unfortunately our time's been all used up," Mustaine told the crowd, "Believe it or not, Megadeth is a peaceful band. In metal, they don't say 'I love you' enough, and I love you guys." The band then tore into the set-closing "Holy Wars ... The Punishment Due."
Megadeth's 2023 Tour Details
Megadeth is approaching the end of their Crush the World North American tour, which began in April and will conclude on Oct. 6 with an appearance at Aftershock Festival in Sacramento, California. They're touring in support of their 16th album, The Sick, the Dying ... and the Dead!, which they released in August 2022.