If you hate housecleaning as much as I do, you're always looking for shortcuts and I found a few that I like and a few that I actually use myself. I'm not saying I have a sparkling, shiny, immaculate living space, because nothing could be farther from the truth. When you have two constantly shedding German Shepherds and two fuzzy kitties you always have animal hair and dust around, no matter what you do.

I even have a magnet on my fridge that says, "My idea of housecleaning is to sweep the room with a glance!". And I really mean that. But if I have to clean, I will, a little. So here are a few tips:

  • Slow motion vacuuming- I know, it sounds weird, but research has actually been done which shows that if you have a vacuum with good suction and use slow, repetitive overlapping strokes you can actually prolong the life of your carpets and remove up to 85% of dust and allergens
  • Clean your oven with baking soda & vinegar- Sprinkle the baking soda over the oven floor and then spray with vinegar you've loaded into a spray bottle. It will bubble up and start working on that gunk with a lot less fumes than some of those commercial cleaners. Just let it sit for a bit and then start wiping.
  • Put your dryer's lint filter in the dishwasher- When I first saw this I thought, "huh?!!", but it makes sense. If you use softener or dryer sheets your lint filter can become clogged with residue and the least labor-intensive way to clean it is to toss it in the dishwasher where the soap & hot water will get it all spiffy. You can check to see if it is clogged by pouring some water on the filter and if it doesn't drip through you need to clean it as the air-flow will be restricted and your dryer won't be working well or efficiently.
  • Swiffer 360s- If you give your house a thorough cleaning, (like I do once every 3 or 4 years) you can keep it looking pretty good in between by using one of the best inventions known to man-Swiffers, (especially the 360 degree ones)! These things can spruce or maintain your floors, walls, furniture, light bulbs, bedroom, office, bathroom, piano and knickknacks with equal aplomb.

There now. Get busy! (But not too busy!)



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