My neighbor and I have placed a few bets over the years with the loser always owing pizza. This last May we set the challenge to see who would shave their beard first.

We both thought we could make it a year no problem.  Before the adventure started I had heard nothing of beard combs, YouTube beard channels and beard balms.

Four months into the challenge I have dabbled in making my own beard balms and having a good beard comb is a must.

I learned you can make your own balm by microwaving a small amount of coconut oil then adding your preferred essential oil or oils.

After making the balm on my own for a couple months the newness wore off and so did my desire to make it, so I started buying GIBS Voodoo Prince beard oil at the Man Salon.

beard balm

If you decide to grow a good face garden your going to need the right tools.

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