Fun Turkey Facts to Share While the Bird Roasts
The Thanksgiving turkey is buttered up, stuffed and ready to be tossed in the roasting pan. Sad? Not really. They're really delicious. But did we really know this feathered-fella who gave it's life for our table?

Here's a few fun facts about that roasting bird we know and love as - the turkey:
~Turkeys live in flocks, roosting at night in thick tree trunks.
~Male turkeys are called "gobblers" or "toms" and female turkeys are called "hens."
~Turkeys are polygamous -- one male has a harem of females.
~Toms attract hens by gobbling and strutting.
~Hens lay about 12 eggs at a time, which hatch in 28 days.
~Wild turkeys can fly at speeds up to 55 miles per hour and run at around 12 miles per hour. However, domesticated turkeys can't fly at all.
~Turkeys have 27 calls besides the gobble, including the "kee-kee," the "purr," the "yelp," the "whine" and the "cluck.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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