Fried Pickle Corn Dogs Are the Latest Disney Craze
I like pickles, I like corn. I'll eat maybe one hot dog a year. But maybe not all three stuffed together. The person who invented this concoction should, and most likely will be placed among fried food royalty.
According to, the Fried Pickle Corn Dog is the latest snack sensation at Disneyland. If you have to eat between rides and attractions at Disney would you really indulge in this gastro novelty? Yep, just so you can say you did.
I’m curious to know which Sioux Falls food truck will be adding this to their menu.
You may be interested in how these little doggies are made. Then again. Okay, you will first need a hollowed-out pickle. A really big one. Then with your stick poked through the hot dog, stuff that into the pickle. And finally, you will need to dip your pickle dog into the cornbread batter. The folks at Disney then roll them through panko crumbs. Make sure the oil is hot and deep fry until golden brown.
Are you drooling yet? Wait, there's more. The fried pickle corn dog isn't complete without peanut butter. Along with a bag of chips, this will set you back $13.
So of all the food that is offered at Disneyland or your State Fair or possibly even a Sioux Falls food truck, would this be on your list to try? Let me know how it goes.