Farmer with over 600 Bushel Corn
Farmers saw perhaps the toughest year ever in 2019. Everything was against them, especially for grain producers.
It was more than just a wet Spring, that was an understatement. It was much beyond wet, it was flooding.
In fact, fields were so saturated, corn was being planted in June when it should have been growing already.
With a severely shortened growing season, low yields were expected. However, some farmers did well.
Surprisingly new yield records were set in 2019 with the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Yield Contest. Despite adverse growing conditions that impacted most farmers, improved seed varieties, advanced production techniques, and innovative growing practices allowed corn growers to achieve many impressive yields across all categories again this year.
David Hula of Charles City, Virginia, set the highest yield on record at 616.1953 bushels per acre. I met Dave in 2018 at the Hefty Seed Ag Ph.D. Field Day north of Sioux Falls.
The National Corn Yield Contest is now in its 55th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members.
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