The Teddy Bear Den is an incentive and education program for limited income pregnant women and their children.  Promoting healthier pregnancies, healthier babies and healthier families. About eight or nine years ago, shortly after the Celebrity Night Out began, I was contacted by Sandy Lown from the Teddy Bear Den about B102.7 getting involved to help publicize the event, the charity, and to be a part of an auction package. I'm always willing to help kids, but really questioned their idea of a 'celebrity' if they wanted to include me!

Over the years, I've hosted a catered Super Bowl party, a summer bash in the winning bidders yard complete with food and live band, and last year we went to the winning bidders home to prepare an authentic five course Italian meal with an acoustic music duo (The Steevie Geebies)

Friday night at CJ Calloways in Sioux Falls, I will once again be up for 'auction' as part of a fantastic package that includes a pig roast and all the sides for fifty people, plus music from my friends in the Jukebox Zeroes! To be honest, I still get a little nervous at these events. I don't feel like a celebrity, but if I can lend my voice to a worthy charity and help raise awareness (and hopefully a nice donation!) I'm in.

Maybe you'll be part of the winning bidder group or get an invite to the party. I'll look forward to serving you a plate of fresh pork and raising a glass with you to thank you for helping the Teddy Bear Den.


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