Corn Growers Happy with President’s Infrastructure Plans
The National Corn Growers Association applauded President Trump's pledge Wednesday (June 7) to make rebuilding America's infrastructure a national priority. And they made the commitment to work with his Administration.
President Trump said at a speech in Cincinnati, "It's time to recapture our legacy as a nation of builders, and to create new lanes of travel, commerce, and discovery."
"Farmers rely on our national infrastructure every day to get our products to market quickly, safely, and efficiently. Waterways, roads, and bridges are central to farmers' efforts to feed and fuel the world, and we must invest in all of them," said Ken Hartman, a farmer from Illinois.
President Trump specifically called for upgrading the nation's aging system of locks and dams-making him the first modern president to focus on this critical piece of the infrastructure puzzle.
Nearly three-quarters of U.S. grain exports are transported to port via the U.S. river system, but most of the nation's locks and dams have outlived their intended 50-year lifespans.
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