City of Sioux Falls Drops COVID-19 Garbage Can Mandate
After a year of dealing with a wide variety of various COVID-19 related rules and mandates, there is at least one small sign that things might be slowly creeping back to normal in Sioux Falls.
City residents are no longer required to place their garbage and recycling bins curbside on collection day.
Last night (March 16) the City Council repealed Executive Order 218 which was put in place in April of 2020 in response to staffing shortages among local garbage haulers, who had estimated that curbside collection would reduce pickup times by up to 40 percent.

That order set aside parts of 2014 city ordinances 57.022, 57.026, and 57.027 dealing with the placement of trash cans on collection day.
The original law is now back in effect, meaning residents' garbage and recycling bins must be hidden near structures or face a potential $100 fine.
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