Best and Worst Places to Hide Christmas Presents
When you are a kid it is incredibly tempting to go hunting for your Christmas presents. It is also easy for parents to not be careful enough about hiding them because the first place kids and parents think of for a hiding spot is the same.
According to, the most popular place for parents to hide presents for their kids is in their bedroom closet. The most popular first place to look for kids is also in their parents' closet. It's great that kids and parents think alike, isn't it?
53 percent of parents use their closet as their go-to hiding spot. That was most popular by a landslide. The next most popular was in a spare bedroom (31.5 percent), followed by coat closet (26 percent), under their bed (26 percent), in the trunk of their car (25 percent), or in a spare drawer or cabinet (17 percent). The rest of the top ten included the basement, garage, or under a couch.
The most popular first choices for finding hidden gifts were:
Bedroom closet: 25%
Under a bed: 22%
In the trunk of a car: 15%
Coat closet: 9%
In a kid’s room: 6%
In a spare room: 6%
As veteran parents of twelve Christmas seasons, my wife and I have a foolproof plan for hiding gifts. Our kids have never found their gifts and we have even told them where they are. We put them in an access-controlled room in the basement that is locked with a key code that they don't have.
We have a couple of these doorknobs in my house and they work quite well for a great price, less than $50 on Amazon. (I would link to it but Amazon Web Services is down as of this writing, lol!)