B Rock Note: The Clues Are There. Welcome Back Steve Perry!
To say that former Journey frontman Steve Perry has been missed in the rock world would be an understatement. Don't get me wrong. I love the energy and fearless vocals of current lead Arnel Pineda, but Perry is Journey.
So, where is Steve Perry?
A few clues surface this week indicating we may see more of Perry soon. First, Perry popped in on a recent Toad the Wet Sprocket recording session. We know this because a member of Toad tweeted, "What do you say when Steve Perry crashes your tour rehearsal and wants to sing??? YES!"
Secondly, Perry was spotted around cameras in his hometown with a Facebook message that followed saying, "Steve Perry (Journey)" Facebook page, "Interview with Steve will be on CBS Sunday morning October 7th. Steve went to Hanford for the interview."
Perhaps that much-hyped solo album is ready to drop.
But fans hoping for a Journey reunion? Don't. Steve said, "People have been putting two and two together -- but this wasn’t about a reunion with Journey. There is no reunion. I’m not the person I was 30 years ago; that person is gone.”
Perry split with Journey in 1998.
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