The Bill Stage Radio Show is a distraction. The tasks you should be accomplishing in order to get that promotion or a better grade become secondary, almost unnecessary thanks to me. I’m Bill. I have been in QC radio since I started on 97X back in August of 1996 as a fresh faced go-getter…wide-eyed and full of passion & desire for all that life had to offer. Now that I’ve got all of that out of my system, it’s been a while since we’ve drank together. Let’s do that again. That was fun.
Bill Stage
Need a Morel Boost? It’s Morel Mushroom Season in Iowa
It's a delicacy that's notoriously difficult to find, but that only adds to its allure.
Iowa’s Cutest Event of the Year: Kings Harvest’s Kitten Shower
Join the fun and help support a great cause at Kings Harvest's upcoming event in Davenport, Iowa this Weekend.
11 Potential Food Shortages You Need to Know About in Iowa
From labor shortages to supply chain disruptions, the pandemic has caused a ripple effect that is now causing concerns about potential food shortages in Iowa.
Best Time You’ll Ever Have in Prison- Joliet Brings Blues Brothers Back
The Blues Con experience will also feature Bob’s Country Bunker, catch a Bluesmobile Car Show before browsing the Maxwell Street Market while sipping on classic ‘Orange Whips.'
Iowans Collectively Ignore Low Fuel Lights as Gas Hits All Time High
I literally put gas in my car twice yesterday. Both times were painful.
Great Addition to Every Super Bowl Party…Here is the Cheese Keg
I wonder how the wife would feel seeing a giant keg of cheese being unloaded and rolled into our kitchen?
I'll bet she'd be stoked, right?
An Honest Politician? Louisiana Senate Candidate Smokes Pot in Campaign Video
Louisiana senate candidate Gary Chambers seems to think honesty is the best policy to get elected. He released a campaign ad that shows him smoking a big fat blunt.