Apparently, No One is Buying Pants Anymore
It appears Americans, mostly women (but we're not judging) are kicking off the jeans and opting for more comfortable bottoms like yoga leggings, pajamas, and soft shorts.
It appears the latest 'COVID Casualty' might be denim jeans.
Powerhouse jean manufacturer Levi Strauss has laid off 15% of its workforce. While Hudson Jeans, True Religion, and Lucky brands have filed for bankruptcy.
According to the Washington Post, one retail analyst said "people are just not wearing jeans right now. Casual is what's really winning right now. Activewear is becoming more acceptable."
If we could go back to the start of the year - with the knowledge we have now - investing in a yoga pants company would probably have been a very good move. It's a mystery to some retail experts as to why pants are just not selling right now. But I have a theory: SO many Zoom meetings and video conference calls where only your upper half is showing? Yeah, pants seem quite unnecessary.
Just remember that in case you have to stand up during the meeting.

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