Another Successful Feminine Hygiene Product Drive
#PadParty2020 was a success!!
2020 marked the 10th Feminine Hygiene Product Drive hosted by The Rock A Bettys and Miner Brewing/Prairie Berry Winery. The donations help The Banquet keep their inventory of toiletries and hygiene products stocked.
The event is always on Martin Luther King Day, which was January 20, 2020.
This year they collected 42,142 individually wrapped items as well as $800 cash to keep the stock up throughout the year.
I stopped by early in the event to drop off my donation and was surprised to see how many items had been donated already, but knew that there would be much more to come!
The first time I heard Madeline Shields from The Banquet tell the story about how a woman eating at The Banquet asked if they could help her get a pad or tampon because with what little money she had, she had to either buy diapers for her child or feminine products for herself. What a terrible position to be put in. No woman should have to struggle to take care of this necessity of life.
Seeya next year!
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