I moved to Sioux Falls in 1985 from a small town in Iowa. I'm sure at the time I grumbled about the price of goods but looking back at the price index of that year, I probably shouldn't have.

Here are some prices from 1985:

The median new-home price: $82,500
You could mail a letter for 20 cents
You could buy 2 movie tickets for Back to the Future for $7.10
Buy the Brothers in Arms album by Dire Straits for $5.97 at Musicland
Buy a 20-inch color TV for $500
Milk was $1.09 per gallon at Piggly Wiggly
A dozen eggs costs about $1
Get wired into the relatively new internet with a Dell PC for $795
You could buy a pound of ground beef for $1.47
Get a new Honda Accord for $8,845
A new Chevrolet Astrovan was going for $6,500.00 at Frank Stinson Chevrolet
Boys jeans for back-to-school were $8.99
Your wife could grab a pair of dress shoes for $19.99 (and dad still complained!)
You could get 2 ribeye steaks at Bonanza for $7.99

Everything listed above would cost a total of $99,193, and that includes a new home and two new cars.

Looking back, I'd say we had it pretty good - even adjusting for the cost-index. Granted the wages were much lower in those days, it's fun to look back at what money could buy.

Source: Morris County Library

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Check out this collection of Sioux Falls bars and restaurants. We have Giovanni's Steak House, The Rainbow Bar, Harry's Hamburgers, Eagle Bar and Lounge, Pancake House, Nickel Plate, and more. Do you remember any of them? Or how long any lasted?

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