Well, it happened again the other day when I was grocery shopping and again I am cheesed off about it! As I trudged through the grocery store aisles picking up staples like peanut butter, canned tomatoes, bread and coffee, I was sort of on auto-pilot, my mind elsewhere as I performed my task at hand.

I finally head down the coffee aisle to retrieve my Folgers Black Silk. Of all the commercially ground coffees out there this one is my favorite. A dark roast coffee without all the bitterness some other dark roasts have. My initial thought was, "At least the price has come down a bit from the last time I bought it when it wasn't on sale."

Then for some reason, my consciousness kicked in and I noticed how much smaller the container was; holding what I had assumed was a fairly good buy. So when I got home I compared and as you can see; the size has gone from 1 pound, 11.8 ounces to 1 pound, 8.2 ounces and from 240 servings to 210. Thirty less servings for the same price!

What a deal, huh?!!! But, what are you going to do? Every food and product manufacturer is doing it and hoping the consumers won't notice and that when we do it won't matter because we'll still want or need the product.

Remember when you used to get 50 pounds of dog food for the price of what you pay for 38 pounds now? I do. Remember when most canned vegetables and tomato sauces, etc., came in 16 ounce cans? Mhm, me too. But as I wondered before, "what is a person to do?".

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