The South Dakota Department of Health is reporting that an unvaccinated Sioux Falls child under the age of 10 has the measles.

As of Saturday morning an investigation is underway. The Sioux Falls case doesn't have a travel history and isn't known to be connected with the Mitchell measles outbreak.

People who were at Holy Spirit Elementary School in Sioux Falls on Thursday, January  22, 2015 may have been exposed. Those individuals are urged to check their immunization records.

“I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is for people to check their records and make sure their vaccinations are up to date,” said Lon Kightlinger, state epidemiologist for the Department of Health. “If you are not vaccinated you are at risk for measles as these South Dakota cases and the current Disneyland outbreak so clearly demonstrate.”

A multi-state outbreak of measles that began in December can trace it's beginning to Disneyland.

Measles is a highly contagious, viral disease and is one of the most easily transmitted communicable diseases. Measles is spread by direct contact or, less frequently, by airborne transmission.

Symptoms usually appear 10 to 12 days after exposure. The best protection is the measles vaccine. You can read more about the MMR vaccine here.

Measles symptoms generally appear in two stages. In the first stage, the individual may have a runny nose, cough and a slight fever. The eyes may become reddened and sensitive to light while the fever consistently rises each day. The second stage begins on the third to seventh day and consists of a temperature of 103-105OF, and a red blotchy rash lasting four to seven days. The rash usually begins on the face and then spreads over the entire body. Koplik spots (little white spots) may also appear on the gums and inside of the cheeks....Pneumonia occurs in up to 6 percent of reported cases and amounts for 60 percent of deaths attributed to measles. Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) may also occur. Other complications include middle ear infection and convulsions. Measles is more severe in infants and adults.-SD Department of Health

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention's website had more information on measles:

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