In October 1984, when Back to the Future would’ve been in early-development stages, a producer gave a friendly suggestion to remedy one of the biggest flaws in the project. The script was “terrific”, everything was fine, but that title. Wouldn’t something along the lines of Space Man from Pluto have a smoother flow, make more sense to audiences, and convey what the movie’s actually about much more succinctly?
On June 20, 1975 a movie about an angry fish opened in about 500 theaters around the country. It was called Jaws, it was directed a guy named Steven Spielberg, it was scary as hell, and it changed the world forever. Its unique release strategy (wide instead of limited), intense television marketing campaign, and record-breaking box office essentially created the summer movie season (and made Spielberg a household name). 40 years later, regardless of its impact, Jaws remains a masterpiece, and a much better and more interesting movie than the vast majority of so-called summer blockbusters that it birthed.
Released in 1993, ‘Jurassic Park’ is still one of the biggest movies of all-time and one of the best action-adventure movies of the blockbuster era. How is it that the visual effects in a movie from 1993 look better than most movies made today? You can find out about that, and all other things ‘Jurassic Park’ in the latest episode of You Think You Know Movies, which focuses on Steven Spielberg’s prehistoric classic. Hold on to your butts!
Steven Spielberg has been lining up projects left and right, but one might become the front-runner for his next movie with this latest announcement: Joel and Ethan Coen have been hired to write Spielberg's currently untitled Cold War thriller, which is tentatively set to star Tom Hanks.
Halle Berry's buzzworthy CBS/Steven Spielberg thriller 'Extant' has barely shot a single frame, so little that a recent TCA presentation cobbled together footage from other movies as a teaser, but now we have something real to chew on. The first official teaser for CBS summer sci-fi drama 'Extant' has hit, and it's...well, it's still pretty confusing.
Bradley Cooper's 'American Sniper' project has found a director, and it's a very prestigious one: Steven Spielberg will helm the flick in which Cooper plays Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.
You can buy replicas of Richard Attenborough's amber-tipped cane or you can listen to ten minute loops of Jeff Goldblum's oddball laugh but there's something you haven't been able to do in twenty years: hear the roar of a T. rex fighting two Velociraptors from thunderous, surround sound of big cinema speakers. Something you've never been able to do is see it in 3D or in IMAX. Until now. And you do