Senator John Thune Becomes Senate Majority LeaderSenator John Thune Becomes Senate Majority LeaderSouth Dakota Senator John Thune ascends to the top position in the United States Senate.Patty DeePatty Dee
Is South Dakota’s John Thune the Senate’s Next Minority Leader?Is South Dakota’s John Thune the Senate’s Next Minority Leader?Only one other South Dakotan has ever had the titleJeff HarknessJeff Harkness
South Dakota Restaurant Gets Nasty Comments after Posting PhotoSouth Dakota Restaurant Gets Nasty Comments after Posting PhotoA popular South Dakota restaurant got a stark reminder recently of just how toxic social media can be. Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Watch This South Dakota Senator & Sioux Falls Mayor Sing!Watch This South Dakota Senator & Sioux Falls Mayor Sing!Between Mayor Paul TenHaken and Senator John Thune, who would win in a singing competition?Christine ManikaChristine Manika
South Dakota's Thune, Rounds Among Most Popular U.S. SenatorsSouth Dakota's Thune, Rounds Among Most Popular U.S. SenatorsAs a group, the 100 women and men that currently hold down the title of United States Senator are not held in very high regard across the countryJeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Is This South Dakota Senator Really Thinking About Retiring?Is This South Dakota Senator Really Thinking About Retiring?Why the delay from this recognizable senator? Christine ManikaChristine ManikaDakota News NowDakota News Now
‘SNL’ Creates Joke About S.D. Senator John Thune‘SNL’ Creates Joke About S.D. Senator John ThuneWATCH: This appears to be Senator Thune's first 'SNL' spotlight. Christine ManikaChristine Manika
South Dakotans Don’t Deal with as Many Robocalls as Other StatesSouth Dakotans Don’t Deal with as Many Robocalls as Other StatesResidents of the Mount Rushmore State receive an average of about ten calls per month. Your numbers may vary. Jeff HarknessJeff Harkness
Thune Makes Case for Net Neutrality Rules ChangeThune Makes Case for Net Neutrality Rules ChangeIt has stirred up plenty of nationwide opposition, but the proposed Restoring Internet Freedom order may be just days away from being approved.Dan PetersDan Peters
Senator Thune’s Office Looking for Spring InternsSenator Thune’s Office Looking for Spring InternsSenator Thune is seeking applicants for intern positions for his offices here in South Dakota and Washington, D.C.Patty DeePatty Dee