There is no more important civic duty than voting. With midterm elections heating up and just a few weeks away, don't forget to register to vote in South Dakota!
I've been critical of the handling of the Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. There's no denying that. But things seem to be really spinning out of control at this point.
There is a theme in the health care debate that South Dakotans should pay attention to. Both the House and Senate plans allow states to get waivers for some elements of the plan – mental health coverage – or let insurance companies charge more – preexisting conditions.
Dr. Heather Wilson’s resume just got a little longer. The President of the Rapid City institution of higher learning will now lead a branch of the Armed Forces.
After working very hard for the past seven weeks to hold onto their jobs, Congress goes back to Washington to "relax," but hopefully get something done.