Sorry, New Mexico: You’ve Been Ranked the Worst State to Live In!Sorry, New Mexico: You’ve Been Ranked the Worst State to Live In!Factors like crime, education, and poverty contributed to its low score, placing it at the bottom of the list.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Minnesota Now One of the Safest States in AmericaMinnesota Now One of the Safest States in AmericaLiving in a safe state is about more than just peace of mind. it’s foundational to our quality of life.Samm AdamsSamm Adams
Help Needed For Minnesota Boy Wounded In Horrific AccidentHelp Needed For Minnesota Boy Wounded In Horrific AccidentThe 8th grader suffered multiple horrible injuries at basketball practice.David DrewDavid Drew
I Was Astonished At How Much It Cost At The LaundromatI Was Astonished At How Much It Cost At The LaundromatHow to people afford to do their laundry. I had quite the sticker shock after I visited a laundromat for the first time in years.Ken HayesKen Hayes
Minnesota Now Home To Seven 2024 National Blue Ribbon SchoolsMinnesota Now Home To Seven 2024 National Blue Ribbon SchoolsOnly 356 schools in America earned the coveted designation this year.David DrewDavid Drew
The Best 10 Cities To Raise A Family In MinnesotaThe Best 10 Cities To Raise A Family In MinnesotaMinnesota is jam packed with family-friendly places and amenities, but where is the best place to raise a family?Samm AdamsSamm Adams
You Can Fish For Free In Wyoming On June FirstYou Can Fish For Free In Wyoming On June FirstThe annual free fishing day is offered on the first Saturday of June each year. Drew KirbyDrew Kirby
Booking a Father’s Day Camping Trip – And a Good Tip from This DadBooking a Father’s Day Camping Trip – And a Good Tip from This DadEver since my kids were young we’ve been heading out for camping trips on Father’s Day weekend. It turned out to be one of the best traditions we still keep.Danny VDanny V
Minnesota Parents: If You See Red Lines on Kids’ Skin Act QuicklyMinnesota Parents: If You See Red Lines on Kids’ Skin Act QuicklyIf action isn't taken quickly the situation could become very serious. I would know, it happened to me.Carly RossCarly Ross
Minnesota’s Nickelodeon Universe to Open a New Ride SoonMinnesota’s Nickelodeon Universe to Open a New Ride SoonIf you've been to Nickelodeon Universe, show up pictures!Carly RossCarly Ross