Don't Read This If You Plan to Drive Drunk This HolidayDon't Read This If You Plan to Drive Drunk This HolidayLearn about the consequences of a DUI in South Dakota and why it's crucial to avoid drunk driving during the festive season.Danny VDanny V
Dangerously Drunk MN Driver Arrested; More Than 4x Legal LimitDangerously Drunk MN Driver Arrested; More Than 4x Legal LimitAn extremely drunk Minnesota driver was arrested over the weekend, blowing a .285 BAC, more than 4 times the legal limit. Paul SheaPaul Shea
Former Minnesota School Bus Driver Admits to DWI While WorkingFormer Minnesota School Bus Driver Admits to DWI While WorkingShe was arrested in February after the school bus she was driving crashed into a yard. Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Do You Know Minnesota’s Strong Drinking + Boating Laws?Do You Know Minnesota’s Strong Drinking + Boating Laws?Added enforcement will be on Minnesota waterways 4th of July weekend.David DrewDavid Drew
Can You Get A DUI In A Canoe In Minnesota?Can You Get A DUI In A Canoe In Minnesota?A recent story about a man charged with a DUI in a canoe got me wondering - can you get a DUI in a canoe in Minnesota? The answer is a little more complicated than yes or no.Ken HayesKen Hayes
DUI Sobriety Checkpoints Return In South DakotaDUI Sobriety Checkpoints Return In South DakotaSobriety checkpoints coming to a county near you.Chuck WoodChuck WoodDakota News NowDakota News Now